

Synopsis:  We start how we end with the girl or guy on the floor and we zoom out from this shot out of the girls eyes. What triggers this is the guy snapping his fingers in the girl's face to get her to come back after drifting away. (Still in thought in names for the characters) Two people walking from a party a Guy and a Girl the Girl a little drunk and the Guy slightly sober. The Guy wanting to impress parents in not being too drunk. They are talking to each other and the talks are full of giggles and laughs. They are walking to get home and the Guy want to get home quickly to impress his parents that he is on time and not drunk. They end up walking the fastest route home. Along the way home they see a doll around them at different parts of town. They don't take much notice especially the girl since she is drunk. They go through a tunnel to go home and they encounter the doll again. (Still in thought of how they encounter and or deal with the situation. We end ho we start making the film a cyclic narrative

Cinematic ideas:

Birds eye view shot
Using a drone for establishing shots
Voice over narrative for some back story at the start of the sequence
Only voice over at start not a lot of exposition
Low angle shot to show the object
Low key lighting
No names established
Heels for the girl to add noise and suspense
Boy: Jeans, polo and trainers


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