Our film was based on a boy and girl who are coming from a party and they
get followed by a doll but they don’t notice throughout until the end. Overall I
think our film went well even though we had a few complications with the
people dropping out which meant that we had to change the storyline within
characters, instead of having a boy and girl we did two girls instead which didn’t
make much of a difference just would of made more sense if it was a boy and
girl. It went pretty well even though we had to think of how we could replace
the people that dropped out and we managed to come up with something that
matched with our storyline. If I had a chance to make a film again I would
change it by making sure that the storyline was clearer even though the cinematography
made it clear on what was happening. Another advantage of the film was the cinematography
and the music included helped make the idea of the film more affective. We made
sure that when it came to filming we used the time effectively which allowed us
to complete out filming in time.
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