
film ideas for coursework

film ideas  films that i am  referring  to  Wasp- real life locations  pubs  parks council houses   addresses real lie struggles  (25:47) Meshes in the afternoon - black and white focuses  on one object  that is significant  in each scene the knife and key  hand  held  and its silent with music  playing  over it. Swimmer- black  and white  confusing narrative tense music then relaxed  music  towards the end. narrative  isn't very clear. (15:51) ideas   I want to do experimental film that has a  confusing narrative b the e narrative  can be worked  out by the visuals, I'm thing about focus my experimental on time each scene will show a  clock but at  different stages  in life. I'm using conventions  of silent movies and also elements  of horror.  There are different forms of experimental films and th...
winters bone  chiaroscuro natural low key lighting to create tension most of the clothing is from the locals to make it look more real lack of exposition all natural lighting theres a lot of improvisation between free and teardrop active spectatorship throughout most of the film because it relies on its social context hand held camera used to allow the audience think they are there
Inception Inception is a science fiction film  The budget was $160 million  The box office was $828.3 million  Directed by Christopher Nolan  


followed Our film was based on a boy and girl who are coming from a party and they get followed by a doll but they don’t notice throughout until the end. Overall I think our film went well even though we had a few complications with the people dropping out which meant that we had to change the storyline within characters, instead of having a boy and girl we did two girls instead which didn’t make much of a difference just would of made more sense if it was a boy and girl. It went pretty well even though we had to think of how we could replace the people that dropped out and we managed to come up with something that matched with our storyline. If I had a chance to make a film again I would change it by making sure that the storyline was clearer even though the cinematography made it clear on what was happening. Another advantage of the film was the cinematography and the music included helped make the idea of the film more affective. We made sure that when it came to filmin...




Followed Synopsis:  We start how we end with the girl or guy on the floor and we zoom out from this shot out of the girls eyes. What triggers this is the guy snapping his fingers in the girl's face to get her to come back after drifting away. (Still in thought in names for the characters) Two people walking from a party a Guy and a Girl the Girl a little drunk and the Guy slightly sober. The Guy wanting to impress parents in not being too drunk. They are talking to each other and the talks are full of giggles and laughs. They are walking to get home and the Guy want to get home quickly to impress his parents that he is on time and not drunk. They end up walking the fastest route home. Along the way home they see a doll around them at different parts of town. They don't take much notice especially the girl since she is drunk. They go through a tunnel to go home and they encounter the doll again. (Still in thought of how they encounter and or deal with the situation. We end ho...

mood board
